Mini Productions present Annie Waits, a vignette to the TV series currently in development.

We’ve all waited for ‘the one’. The one who catches our eye, the one who keeps our interest, the one who won’t expect us to trudge down that conventional path. Annie Waits tells the story of lust and disappointment, as a twenty-something waits for her adult life to begin.

Annie Waits is a 30-minute returnable scripted comedy, giving an honest voice to twenty-something year olds. Ringing true to people who feel alone in London and making us all feel ok that we haven’t quite figured out life yet. A voice we all know, yet very rarely allow to go any further than a thought process. Being hailed as the UK version of Girls with a dash of New Girl, Annie Waits will bridge the gap between mainstream television and the online world by developing into trans-media content. website